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School Cabin Rentals

Cabins are NOW AVAILABLE for rent at The Pathfinder School for all Classes and Events located at the Pathfinder School during the class or event! 

Camping in our designated area the night prior to class is available at $30 a night. Contact coyoteruncabins@gmail.com for more information and booking.

The following Cabin options are:


8 Bunks are available.

  • Each bunk can be rented individually at the rate of $50.00 (total) for a 3-day class, or $75.00 (total) for a 4-day class.
  • Bunks will be sold on a first come first served basis and paid for at the time the reservation is made. 
  • For availability, reservations and questions please e-mail - coyoteruncabins@gmail.com
  • Cancellation Policy: A reserved bunk must be cancelled no later than 3 weeks prior to the first day of class to receive a refund.
  • You may arrive at your reserved cabin the day prior to any course after 3PM (reservations only).
  • All gear must be removed by 8:00 AM on the last day of the course.


  1. FOX DEN - 10X14 CABIN

This cabin can be reserved in two ways.

  • A family/group can reserve the cabin (up to 4 people) - $150 (total) for a 3-day class or $250 (total) for a 4-day class. To receive the family/group rate, the cabin must be reserved prior to the first day of class.
  • Fox Den can only be reserved prior to the first day of class by a family or group.
  • If the cabin is NOT reserved the first day of any course, the individual bunks may be rented at the rate of $50.00 (total) for a 3-day class, or $75.00 (total) for a 4-day class.
  • For availability, reservations and questions please e-mail - coyoteruncabins@gmail.com
  • Cancellation Policy: A reserved cabin must be cancelled no later than 3 weeks prior to the first day of class to receive a refund.
  • You may arrive at your reserved cabin the day prior to any course after 3PM (reservations only).
  • All gear must be removed by 8:00 AM on the last day of the course.


Please bring your own sleeping gear (all linens, pillows, blankets).

Each cabin has a covered porch and private fire pit.

There is an outhouse style latrine within walking distance.

Vehicles will be parked in the normal parking area and gear will need to be walked to the cabins - approximately 200 yards.

