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Why Mora Knives are Great for a DIY Bushcraft Camp

Why Mora Knives are Great for a DIY Bushcraft Camp

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To many, the allure of bushcraft is that it can be incredibly fulfilling yet very affordable. At its very basic levels, you can merely head off into the woods with a knife. It's not to say that you want to do that for days at a time but if you are processing wood and foraging, any selection from the many Mora Knives on the market will be a great companion.

In fact, the Mora Companion is a $20 investment! That means you can start making feather sticks and processing firewood, for next to nothing.

Even building an elaborate bushcraft camp is going to require some tools and one such tool will be a survival knife. Of course, Mora does much more than just sell $15 knives. They have a wide selection of knives that can meet your bushcrafting needs.

Why Mora Knives?

Mora knives are essential survival gear. It comes down to quality and price. You see the scandi grind and craftsmanship are over 100 years old! There is certainly something to be said about experience and it rings true in the many collections of knives that Mora features.

Mora is backed by many in the survival and bushcrafting world and it’s not by accident. Dave Canterbury is one of there most well-known supporters and ambassadors. You can watch the Mora Knives at work on his YouTube channel and on many others.

Whether you are on a tight budget or you are just looking to get into a line of knives that are designed for bushcraft, Mora deserves a look.

How Mora Knives Help at a Bushcraft Camp

So, let's get down to brass tacks. What is this Mora knife going to do for you? Why carry it around in your bushcraft camp? Why have one on hand to build your camp? It's not like the thing can fell trees!

You see, a survival knife is used for all types of things on the internet. Some people seem to hate their survival knife. They like to beat and punish their knife and I find myself wincing at the sight of it!

If you are building your own DIY bushcraft camp you are going to be using things like axes and folding saws, maybe even froes to process wood.

However, there are things that those tools simply cannot do when it comes to intricate carving and detail work. It all depends on how you set your camp up and what things you include. There is a myriad of things from cooking stations to tripods and even traps that could be made at camp.

I am going to assume you aren’t an expert at intricate carving tasks with your axe. This means you are going to need a razor-sharp blade to achieve these things. The Mora is going to offer you up several options that can achieve this for you.

You may not know it, but many Mora Knives come with other survival tools and features. Some have ferro rods that come with them. Others have things like a compass and simple survival tools.

Best Mora Knives to Carry at a DIY Bushcraft Camp

This list of great variety and great value will undoubtedly have a knife that will fit into your future or even the near future. From a replica of the original design to a modern neck knife, Mora has prepared a serious selection for the bushcrafter.

Mora Garberg

The Garberg is one of the top tier knives in this collection. It was a long-awaited design that came to be, and people are pleased.

It is built like many of the Mora knives on the market. It features that great Scandi grind, a quality sheath, and that grippy Mora handle.

Mora Garberg

What makes the Mora Garberg standout from other Mora’s is that its full tang. It features that 90-degree spine. Its 4.3 inches long and weighs less than 10 oz.

While Mora knives offer up a value, in many cases, the Garberg stands out as a knife that any survivalist or bushcrafter can appreciate. It meets many of the criteria for a top-level survival knife.

Mora Companion

The master of survival knife value, the Mora Companion is an unbeatable tool and one that goes for a ridiculous price. The Mora Companion is the knife you throw in the bags of those you love but who may not be into survival.

Mora Companion

The Companion is the knife you stockpile because of its great price and high quality. It has many of the features you would expect out of a Mora knife and even has that important 90-degree spine for striking ferro rods or processing tinder.

The great Mora sheath comes standard with the Companion so you can attach this knife to your person and know it's not going anywhere. That and the great Mora handle, are worth the price of admission.

Mora #1 Knife

If you are more interested in tradition you are going to fall for the Mora #1. You see, this knife has that classic Mora handle. Instead of the modern grip and style, this features a birch handle that is capped. It looks like something that would have been used a hundred years ago but it cuts and carries like something from 2019!

Mora #1 Knife

The blade is partial tang and high carbon steel. That means you can throw sparks with it if you find yourself in that situation. It’s a shorter blade at under 4 inches but it is a great little carver you don’t have to hold onto with all your might.

The Mora #1 Knife holds the same Scandi grind and comes with a great plastic sheath designed for the knife. Its more than you will find anywhere for the price of such a cool little knife.

The Top Survival Tasks for your Mora Knives

What are you going to call on your new Mora Knives to do for you? At a DIY Bushcraft Camp you will likely need them for several tasks. You might think of things like skinning game. While your knife is a great tool for this, there are other tasks that you will need that knife to accomplish if you are going to have success daily.

There are three that come to mind right off the bat, and they have much to do with that sharp edge and that 90-degree spine.

Let’s look at the top three.


There is a lot going on at camp and you might find yourself fashioning something to hang your bag on or a tripod for hanging your food over the fire. All of these are going to require some degree of intricate carving and you need a knife that is not only razor-sharp but one that is familiar in your grasp.


While your bushcraft camp will be built using many natural materials, you are also going to need some cordage to tie it all together. Having a sharp knife will make cutting that cordage a synch.

Bring some Bankline or some paracord. Don’t try and build a full camp out of processed bark or vines. That is unless you have a lot of time to kill.


On that note, if you are going to process some natural materials be sure that you do so with the 90-degree spine of your Mora Knives. These are designed for this process and save your razor-sharp blade.

You could be processing materials for tinder or for cordage or maybe something else completely. If you have the right knife it makes an often monotonous process something that happens quickly!


There are plenty of tools on the market to help you around camp. Everything from folding saws to hatchets to axes. There are also tons and tons of knives out there. Brands on top of brands that are doing their best to be innovative and appealing.

Here is what we know. We have hours of footage and thousands of testimonials about the quality of Mora Knives. We know that Mora produces a product that is designed for the wilderness. It’s a product that has been carried and approved by guys like Dave Canterbury.

There are also hours of footage of these knives getting the job done. Whether its batoning wood or whittling it, Mora Knives are the bushcrafting all-star.

When it comes to affordability there is nothing like a Mora. Its very simple, if you have a tight budget you can still hit the woods with a highly effective survival knife and that is because of this brand. It is not to say that there is nothing better on the market, but the value and quality combination is hard to match.

Maybe now is the time for you to try one of Mora’s designs. Bring it out with you on your next wilderness adventure or employ it to create that bushcraft home base you have dreamt about all these years.

1 comment

  • I have the Mora Companion for many years now, it’s a great knife very light and very useful . I throw in my bag when heading upstate, I bring it to the beach/fishing. I practice staring fires with it by making feather sticks & wood shavings in he backyard. But mine seems be more of a rounder spine though. But it still a great knife when hiking you don’t even know it; there. I even use it in the kitchen once in a while. You just can’t go wrong with this Knife!! You won’t be sorry.

    - John N

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