Building an In-Home Survival Kit
Having a survival kit for the wilderness is important, but it is also important to have an in-home survival kit.. You need to be prepared for any sort of disaster resulting in a life-threatening situation. That means assembling the right equipment for your in-home survival kit. Here are a few items you will want in an emergency kit for your home.
Having a supply of drinkable water is a must for any in-home survival kit. A suitable minimum amount of water is one gallon per person, per day. So, if you are building a kit for three days, you should have three gallons of water per person. If for some reason you do not have room for water, at least put some type of water purification device in your survival kit. If you don’t have drinkable water, you will not survive very long in any emergency or disaster situation.
Another must have for any in-home survival kit is food. Buy non-perishable, easily prepared food items. Canned goods are good but there are also certain kinds of food designed specifically for disaster or emergency situations. Try to find food that will give you the best nutritional value.
Hand-Crank Radio
One item that can be extremely important for an in-home survival kit is a radio. It is usually best to get a hand-crank radio, because you will not have to worry about keeping batteries. Sometimes getting news about a disaster or emergency situation can help you survive.
First Aid Kit
A first aid kit is very important. When you are putting together a first aid kit, make sure to include adequate bandages and antibiotic ointment. Put in things like gauze, absorbent compress dressings, cloth medical tape, one or two instant cold compresses, and triangular bandages. Remember that, more than likely, the wounds and problems that you will be treating will be worse than a skinned knee.
Also, think about daily medications. If you have a daughter or son who has asthma, pack an extra inhaler. If your spouse has diabetes, make sure to pack their medications. If they can’t get through a week without some type of medication, then it should be in the in-home survival kit.
When putting together your survival kit think about the kinds of tools you may need. Pack a survival knife or a multi-tool, a crowbar, a hammer, duct tape, and a manual can opener. Anything that you think you may need. Unlike wilderness survival kits, home survival kits can have a few extra things because most often you will not have to carry these items with you. If you put a few too many tools in your in-home survival kit, it is usually not a problem.
Creating a survival kit for your home is a good idea. You never know what kind of disaster or emergency situation could come about. If you prepare yourself for what could happen, you will have an easier time when something does.